Monday, February 21, 2011


• TEAM 1: Krishna Hari G.C, Murbika Prasai, Rijana Malla
• TEAM 1: Poffenberger book, ‘Patterns of Change in the Himalayas.’ 1980. Nanda Shrestha, ‘Landlessness and Migration’. Historical Review of State policy and population.
• TEAM 1. Poffenberger & Nanda Instructions
• 1. This assignment will explore population change in Nepal over earliest recorded data (even b4 census); discuss how data are interpolated.
• 2. Show the relationship between State implicit policy (PN Shah) and explicit (Rana) policy on population and their effects, with data & graphs

• TEAM 2: Salpa Shrestha, Prem Khattri Chettri, Babu Ram Devkota
• TEAM 2: Ritu Panthi and Shyam Thapa article: DTM in Nepal, Transitions & Projections.
TEAM 2. Ritu Panthi & Shyam Thapa
• 1. These readings should be analyzed for the workings of DTM in Nepal.
• 2. Record what the data says, where the possible errors and uncertainties
• 3. Where is Nepal currently on DTM and discuss Shyam’s projections
• 4. Read other digital stuff on census data uncertainties and Shyam and post 2001 works.

• TEAM 3: Prakash Budda Magar, Neesha Shakya, Manisha Bhattarai
• TEAM 3: Blaikie and Brookfield, 1987, Chapter on Population & Fox paper: Population increase as “GOOD”
• TEAM 3. Blaikie & Brookfield and Fox studies
• 1. These studies argue that population increase is not all bad, present Blaikie’s situations all over the world, and
• 2. Fox’s closer studies in Bhogteni.
• 3. What variables intervene in the effect of population increase on environment (natural resources) or development? Discuss.

• TEAM 4: Sambida Regmi, Binu Thapa, Prerena Shakya
• TEAM 4: Malthus’s Original Essay: Old English, Old Data and Methods.
TEAM 4. Malthus’s Original Essay
• 1. The reading is to expose students to original english, data, method and analysis of Malthus before computers and census’s were available.
• 2. Where did Malthus get his pop data? How did analyze the data?
• 3. Does he need more data, or more rigorous analysis?
• 4. Skim through Malthus critiques to explain.

• TEAM 5: Bibhor Kayastha, Nabin Dangol, Ajita Pokharel
• TEAM 5: Nigel Cook Book Chapter ‘Theories of Population and Subsistence’ & ‘Farm and HH transition in USA.ppt’. Population change at household level, eg USA, China etc
• 5. Cook chapter and HH level change
• 1. These readings are to expose the students to population change at household levels, the nuts and bolts of population change, the factors and processes operating at the micro level.
• 2. Identify these factors and processes with some interesting examples. You may use other digital downloads info provided too

• TEAM 6: Delon Bharati, Bobby Ghimire,Jyotsna Kakshapati
• TEAM 6: Club of Rome (Wikipedia mhtl), Population Bomb (Wiki, 2011) & Pop Bomb Revisited (pdf). Global representation of Popn
TEAM 6. Club of Rome, Population Bomb revisited
• 1. How did Population become a global concern? Explain the role of Club and Pop Bomb, how useful is this media representation?
• 2. What are the lessons learned according to critics and according to proponents.
• 3. Explain IPAT and how they apply to Nepal and USA.

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